Mon, Jan 14, 2019

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It has been a very, very long time since we last made a post on the website. Inn this space we have changed manager , beat a premier league side , the podcast is now on multiple platforms and another French Lad has signed.

Since the last post, the podcast has made a large change and has moved off of youtube entirely. The BAWA Podcast is now available either via watching the Facebook Live stream or listening to it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or any other platform it is on. There will be a full article on this out soon.

Over the coming weeks, the website will be being updated to fit a theme that I feel looks better and is much easier to use. The ‘Stats’ function has been taken away for the forseeable future already but there is a chance of it making a return when it is in a better state.

I am aiming to create a better presence over social media for the entirety of the BAWA Group. To do this it would most likely require the assistance of somebody else. If you have ran Instagram , Snapchat, Twitter or Facebook pages before and would be interested in volunteering to do this, then please contact us either via email ([email protected]) or @TheBAWAGroup on all forms of social media.

We are also still looking for somebody to write posts on the blog here - whether this is something you would like to do often or just as a one off it would be a great addition to the site. If you do want to do this then please get in touch and I will be happy to help.

One last plea, we are looking to help improve the podcasts and would enjoy having some guests onto the show. Please use the ‘be on the podcast’ form to send in a message and we will happily get back to you.

Finally, on the YouTube side I would like to congratulate Rhys Parsons on the immense amount of growth on his channel and would like to thank everyone for all of the support on mine. TOFB has now changed his name to ‘Bailey Howell’ on YouTube and all links will be changed to fit this fact.

Have a good new year.